Saif Husain Ansari
Software Engineer

Tech Stack
Python, Django, FastApi, Postgresql, MongoDb, RabbitMq
Old Interns
Saif Husain Ansari
Software Engineer
Tech Stack
Python, Django, FastApi, Postgresql, MongoDb, RabbitMq
Md Azhar Khan
Project Manager
Tech Stack
Imran khan
Php Developer
Tech Stack
Core PHP, Laravel, Javscript, JQuery, AJAX
Mohammed Mehdi
Tech Stack
Shahnawaz Ansari
Backend Developer
Tech Stack
Python, NodeJS, Golang
Susheel Kumar
Software Developer
Tech Stack
Node.js, Javascript, Jquery, AJAX
Md Ahsan
Software Developer
Tech Stack
PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Javascript, Jquery, AJAX
Mo. Shakir Yazdani
Web Designer
Tech Stack
HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jquery, Java Script, CMS, WordPress, Adobe photoshop, Figma
Kapil Tripathi
Principal Software Engineer
Tech Stack
ASP .NET, C#, Microservices, Web API
Farman Husain
Senior Ui/UX Developer
Tech Stack
HTML, Wordpress, React JS, Shopify
Mohd Adil Khan
Team Lead
Tech Stack
React js, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Masih Haider
Senior Php Developer
Tech Stack
Php, Laravel, Codeigniter, WordPress, React
Shadab Ansari
Senior Software Engineer
Tech Stack
Mustafa Ashraf
Senior Frontend Developer
Tech Stack
React.js, Formik & Yup, Redux, RTK, MUI
Faiz Ali
Web & Graphic Designer
Tech Stack
HTML, CSS, javascript, Bootstrap, Photoshop, illustrator
Alam Geer Rana
Data Engineer
Tech Stack
AWS cloud, Python, PySpark, SQL, Django
Abushad Ahmad
Software Developer
Tech Stack
PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Javascript, HTML, CSS
Syed Manzoor E Dawer
Frontend Developer
Tech Stack
VueJS with Nuxt (Framework)
Mirza Adil Beg
Senior Developer
Tech Stack
PHP, OpenCart, Magento, Laravel, CodeIgniter, etc.
Musharraf Parvez
Software Engineer
Tech Stack
PHP, SQL, Javascript, Java, Spring Boot
Shakil Akhtar
CloudXP Devops Engineer
Tech Stack
Devops Kubernetes, Cloud
Yaad Ali
UI/UX Team Lead
Tech Stack
React Js, Angular Js, CMS Customization,
Mohammad Haider
Sr. UI/UX Designer
Tech Stack
HTML CSS WordPress, Joomla Etc.
Amir Khan
Senior Systems Analyst
Tech Stack
Java, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring batch, Hibernate
Bibhuti Narayan
Director Engineering
Tech Stack
GCP, Big Data, Spanner, Pub/Sub, Cloud Run
Mohammad Ghazni
Senior Data Analyst
Tech Stack
Big Data, Data Engineering, Data Modelling, ML
Mohd Naim
Tech Stack
Laravel, Php , Node js, Vue js
Shoaib Alam
Senior UI/UX Designer
Tech Stack
Figma, Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop,
Aitemadun Khan
Senior Developer
Tech Stack
Robotic Process Automation
Learn from the Experts and make a successful career
Why us
Hands-on Learning
We go beyond textbooks to focus on practical skills, giving learners platform to tackle real-world challengesand emerge with skills and confidence to conquer coding conundrum.
Tailored Excellence
Stay ahead with up-to-date guidance from our experienced mentors proven expertise through our prioritized personalized learning – be ityour new career or enhancing skills, we empower you to thrive.
Craft your own portfolio
Our program maintains disciplined study hours of 6 hours, ensuring a focused learning environment conducive to skill development. Through the expertise gained, you can make your own portfolio, showcasing your abilities that resonates with potential employers.
Industry Influences
Experience a transformative educational experience with us, backed by a network of prestigious industry connections. Learners gain a competitive edge in the job market, ensuring their success and advancement in their chosen field.
Career Advancement Opportunities
Diverging from conventional web learning centres, our program is designed to help learners advance their careers in software and web development. We provide the tools, expertise, and support needed to propel your career forward.
Alumni Network
You can be a part of our alumni network, which provides ongoing support, networking opportunities, and access to many resourcesopening doors to potential areas.
Experience Certificate
Upon completing the program, learners earn a "Course Completion Certificate" and an "Internship Experience Certificate" recognized across the industry. These accolades bolster credibility and marketability, positioning learners as top contenders in the eyes of potential employers.
Credentials of Excellence
Upon completion of our program and maintaining an outstanding 90% attendance, learners earn theabove Certificates. These credentials cement credibility and amplify marketability, positioning learners as top contenders in the eyes of employers.
Industry Influences
Experience a transformative educational experience with us, backed by a network of prestigious industry connections. Learners gain a competitive edge in the job market, ensuring their success and advancement in their chosen field.
Alumni Network
You can be a part of our alumni network, which provides ongoing support, networking opportunities, and access to many resourcesopening doors to potential areas.
Credentials of Excellence
Upon completion of our program and maintaining an outstanding 90% attendance, learners earn theabove Certificates. These credentials cement credibility and amplify marketability, positioning learners as top contenders in the eyes of employers.
Placement Assistance
Experienced Faculty
Live Project Training
Below are some terms and conditions related to our training programme:
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